When can you entirely focus on a single task?
Only, When you have a bird's eye view.
What it Means to understand specific actions
A bird-eye view is essential to understand better how a puzzle fits the bigger picture.
However, focusing on specific details is just as important as the overall perspective. These two aspects work together and cannot be separated.
Think of it like creating wheels for a car - if they're too big, they won't fit. Similarly, a recipe won't turn out right if there's too much or too little of something.
The birds-eye view, represented by a canvas, helps you create anchors for the specific task at hand, such as determining the required measurements for the wheels.
Only then you can focus on details like rim job, painting, and ornaments, using your passion, skills, and experience to bring out the best results.
Of course, it's important to tune out distractions and focus on the task at hand, but remember to maintain a connection with the birds-eye view.
Canvas Builder is a tool that can help you focus on specific tasks concerning the bigger picture of your business.
Learn how to become a master of attacking tasks from above and master this approach.
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